Sunday, July 19, 2009

Pakistan-Dutch community raises over a crore rupees for displaced persons

JULY 19 - The Pakistani-Dutch community has raised over one crore fourteen lakh rupees (Euro 1,01,480 equivalent to US dollars 1,41,500) to help the internally displaced people in NWFP. The entire amount was channeled to the Prime Minister's Fund for the Victims of Terrorism.

The fund-raising campaign commenced on May 19 under the guidance of the Ambassador of Pakistan to Denmark, Mr Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry. During the campaign, fund-raising dinners were organized in the cities of Amsterdam, Rotterdam, and The Hague. Several associations of Pakistani diaspora and individuals showed a high degree of commitment, support and sympathy for their brethren, and donated generously.

The fund-raising campaign concluded on July 17, with a meeting at the residence of the Pakistani Ambassador. In the interest of transparency and financial discipline, full details of the funds collected were provided by the Embassy through a comprehensive presentation.

Major contributors and leaders of the Pakistani-Dutch community expressed their satisfaction over the contribution made by the community and expressed the hope that the amount raised would help alleviate the plight of the displaced persons. They expressed their solidarity with the armed forces who were bravely conducting their operations against the terrorists in order to enable the people to return to their homes which had since begun. They also expressed support for the efforts of the Government in this regard, said a Press Release.

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